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1 comment:

  1. Hey there, I'm Luis and I teach ESL to students from 9th to 12th grade, a week ago the school board gave us an individual classroom to each teacher (before that the classroom belonged to the class, for example 9th A classroom 15, so teachers had to go to C15 anytime they had classes with them) now, and as a way to improve the learning process, we, as teacher, have our own classroom and I'm looking for new and fresh ideas to organize and decorate the classroom in an English way.
    I loved your W.O.W board, writing and reading bulletin board as well.
    Do you have any suggestio for me? My students, despite their age, don't know English so well, actually they are in a basic level, and I need urgently help them to get into an ESL environmental study place.
    I will appreciate your opinion.
    Thanks, hugs from Chile....yeah Chile <3
